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lead line造句

"lead line"是什么意思  
  • Lead used in apparatus engineering ; homogeneous lead lining
  • Go get your pencil out , kid . i got your lead line for you
  • Go get your pencil out , kid . l got your lead line for you
  • 5 . the high accuracy superfine leads line board
    5 .高精密度超细导线板
  • Here ' s another s curve that forms a diagonal leading line
  • [ font = tahoma ] [ size = 3 ] here ' s another s curve that forms a diagonal leading line
  • Lead line correction
  • Lead line strip plan
  • You can use diagonals as leading lines to provide a way into the picture . it ' s a simple and easy path for the eye to follow to the main subject
  • Chart s introduction of this new manufacturing center is designed to serve this burgeoning customer base with its industry - leading line of products
  • It's difficult to see lead line in a sentence. 用lead line造句挺难的
  • After 10 years development , the company has established a perfect system of management , technical development , quality and service , keeping ahead in led line all along
  • The track in leading line is redesigned for its acute curvature change , which is the bottleneck during spiral machine . the new track has avoided blade ' s gnaw and tool swaying . and a new track with high quality is calculated
    针对高速螺旋铣的加工效率瓶颈部分? ?缘头处曲率剧烈变化的几何特征,重新设计了缘头处的走刀轨迹,避免了缘头处的啃切与刀轴晃动,计算出高质量的多坐标加工刀位轨迹。
  • In the second quarter , it announced the 2003 deployment of norwegian sun to become the third ship in our alaska fleet . all of our three alaska ships will have weekend departure days , enabling ncl to become the leading line by capacity in the more popular of the two alaska cruise itineraries
  • Article 55 any violator of the provisions of article 19 of this law who fails to follow the planned realigning and leading line to realign river courses and build up construct ion projects for leading the river direction or protecting embankments shall , if the flood control work is affected , be ordered to stop the illegal act , restore to the original state or take other remedies and may be concurrently fined not less than rmb 10 , 000 yuan and not more than rmb 100 , 000 yuan
  • The project ‘ simulation and test of the second generation ctdrs ’ was taken as the scientific research background in this paper , and the background and purpose of this project were taken as the leading line , the subject research present situation in the domestic and foreign were elaborated , the characteristic and advantages of isl ( inter - satellite link ) simulation design adopting stk ( satellite tool kits ) software , then the simulation results supported by matlab and stk were analyzed
    本文以我国第二代中继卫星捕获跟踪( ctdrs )系统的预研项目“二代中继星捕获跟踪系统仿真及验证”为科研背景,以课题的研究背景与意义为主线,论述了课题在国内外的研究现状以及采用stk ( satellitetoolkit )完成星间链路仿真设计的特点与优势,并对stk和matlab的仿真结果进行了一定的分析。
  • By this solution , a balde body model can be created by the optimization of the parametric grid of the blade body surface . some key techniques used in the solution , such as the computation of the data points on the meanline , the technology of cotinuty between the leading line and the outline of the blade body and the technology of the cross - section curve discretization , are disserated , and corresponding algorithm are presented in this paper
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